
ASK yourself this and REMEMBER what you love doing

 Before I became Hand-Lettering Artist, I was a Pharmacist and Scientist. During a difficult, stressful, and overwhelming time of my scientific career, I started looking for small changes in my routine and began studying about well-being, psychology, self-knowledge, and smart productivity. Anything that could uplift my day, feel less anxious and happier again. (things that I still love learning about! :). 


One day, I heard that we could take a look back into our childhood and ask ourselves the following question, to find what we (still) love doing:


What did you do for fun when you were 10?  


The answer didn't came spontaneously or clear. For some WEEKS, I didn't find anything. I wasn't good at sports, I didn't learn many "artistic" skills, I was not good in music either. I was a good student, I didn't know well what I did just for fun, except for playing with some kids or watching TV. I could find "the thing".

Here I tell you this story and tipp in German


However, I did not let this question totally go. Somehow, some part of myself was still looking for the answer. I was somehow inspired by the question. One day, I was in a Cafe looking at a beautiful handwritten art on the wall and said: "Wow, this is beautiful! I wish I could make something like this! Since I was a child, I've always loved beautiful handwriting, and I was pretty aware of different ways to write the same letter and so on".


Then, it hit me: I just said the exactly words "Since I was a child"! 

This might me the answer! Since I was a child I love beautiful handwriting and different letterforms." 


At this time point, I didn't even know that "Hand-Lettering" exists. In the beginning, I was trying to go more from digital to analog again. Nice balance too, by the way! When I found that HandLettering & BrushCalligraphy exists and with just a bit training, one can learn it, it was a "WOW Moment" for me. I started learning it, practicing and applying it in everything I could: at home, at my notebooks, at birthday cards... for me, for friends, for family. Now I teach it on workshops and I still feel I am learning. Hopefully, it will be like this forever. A Big learning Mountain! :)


Can you ask yourself too, what did you do - for fun - when you were 10?


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